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Pastor Search Guide

April 14, 2019


Finding your next pastor can be the biggest challenge your church has faced in recent years. And the outcome of your search will impact your church for years to come. Locating the right pastor is only one part of the process. Knowing who you are as a church and who would be best to lead you is crucial. Your Search Team needs all the guidance and insight it can get. Most of them have never served on such a team. This guide is designed to help your searchlight be the brightest it can be.

One of the most daunting tasks to face a church periodically is the need to find a new minister.
Transitions for any organization present challenges. The search for a new minister presents several
unique challenges that must be faced and overcome in order that a successful outcome is the result.
Churches form search (or pulpit) committees and go about their tasks of finding the next minister.
Often these endeavors are punctuated by disagreements, false leads, twisting journeys, and

This workbook is designed to present a step-by-step how-to in the search process. We realize that
each denomination adds unique wrinkles to this process. We have attempted to include several of
these wrinkles from the various denominations. But owing to the fact that there are numerous
denominations, we would encourage you to contact your denominational headquarters and inquire as
to procedures.

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