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Prayer | Dr. Leighton Ford (Mentoring)

On Prayer

February 15, 2019

If you’re like me, you sometimes – probably often – experience times of prayer when nothing much seems to happen.  So perhaps this poem by Ann Lewin will speak to you as it does to me! Leighton

“We ought always to pray, and not to faint” (Jesus)

Prayer is like watching for the kingfisher

Prayer is like watching for

The kingfisher. All you can do is

Be there where he is like to appear, and


Often nothing much happens;

There is space, silence and


No visible signs, only the

Knowledge that he’s been there

And may come again.

Seeing or not seeing cease to matter,

You have been prepared

But when you’ve almost stopped

Expecting it, a flash of brightness

Gives encouragement.

Ann Lewin

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