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Reflections | Dr. Leighton Ford (Mentoring)

Truth in the Innermost Being

June 23, 2014

Here are some thoughts on truth from a Catholic lay minister, worth pondering

The truth, as passed down to me in creed and dogma, has often been presented as more
of an intellectual assent than a living and breathing entity. It is akin to a computer with
software written by God and hardware engineered by the clerical hierarchy. This truth
isn’t able to put its arms around you when you cry in grief. This truth doesn’t hug
children, heal the sick, turn water into wine to continue the celebration. And yet this
truth is not untrue, nor have I ever believed it was; it is just that I need a truth that is
alive to my own life, my truth, so to speak, that could only come from putting my life
and faith into conversation with each other.

I do need (the) truth of creed, St. Paul’s truth of the Christ; but I also need another truth,
the truth of Psalm 51: “Behold, you desire truth in the innermost being, and in the
hidden part you will make me know wisdom.”

Lisa Davidson, Weavings May/June 2006

As evangelical believers we may be provoked by our Catholic sister to be pray that, like our Lord, we may be full of “truth and grace.”

Leighton Ford

June 22, 2006

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