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Sunday Extra | Corey Widmer

Sunday Extra – June 5th, 2022

Hope for Personal Change

Today we join Corey Widmer of Third Church in Richmond from a sermon delivered on May 8 (Mother’s Day). Corey is in a series called Our Resurrection Hope: Hope for Personal Change. Corey and Jim Singleton share the responsibility of co-mentoring a pastoral group that has met for nine years. Jim says, “It has been a wonderful experience to walk with him as a friend on the journey for these many years. Our group was together again last week, and it reminds me of the way God works in the kinds of relational groups that LFM promotes.

Renovation and Opportunity

Corey asks us to pray for the building renovation project at their church. They will be out of their main building for eighteen months, beginning this fall. Ask that the Lord will guide and provide for them during this season -and that it would be a time of missional opportunity as they adjust.

Kevin Ford and Jim Osterhaus have worked with Corey and his leadership team, helping them implement a new governance model. If you are interested in learning more about LFM’s consulting and coaching services, click here.

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